$100 Gift Certificate Boo Yah

Winning Bid: $35.00

Item condition: New


Item: $100 Gift Certificate
Donor: Boo Yah Custom Clothing
Value: $100.00
Minimum Bid: $35.00
Increments: $5.00
Description: Gift Certificate can be used on any new Boo Yah purchase.   Not value on sale rack or resale items.     A small business catering to the discriminating hunt seat rider! We offer custom hunt coats and shirts.  Our fabric selection is full of new and versatile fabrics that are cutting edge and in touch with the current trends and styles for any breed shows! Call, visit us online or email for more information about Boo Yah Custom Clothing!  Expires Jan 2026   Non transferable
Contact: Elizabeth Spike Brewer 937-408-9988

WebSite: www.booyahcustomclothing.com  https://www.facebook.com/booyahcustomclothing/ 

Total Bids Placed:

Auction has expired

Highest bidder was: DeanQH

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
DeanQH 15 December 2024 2:14 pm $35.00
Auction started 9 December 2024 12:00 am