Loss of a Legend as Zips Bossy Chip Passes
We are heartbroken to share that All Time Leading Youth Mare and record breaking earner of the most AQHA points ever, Annie or Zips Bossy Chip has passed. Annie B or Queen B as she was affectionately called by owner Ellexxah Maxwell was truly a legendary show horse, but to the Maxwell’s she was simply family.
In her illustrious show career she amassed:
6500 AQHA Points
6x Markel All Around Youth
7x Congress Champion
2x NSBA World Champion
3x AQHYA Reserve World Champion
2x AQHYA Bronze Champion
20+ AQHA High Point Honor Roll Titles

Ellexxah share her love for the mare on social media when she announced her passing in thus touching tribute.
“We stood side by side and I never once doubted that the impossible was possible. From the first ride I knew you were meant to be mine. What I didn’t know was how quirky, opinionated, smart, determined, and everything that made you perfectly Annie. You are the horse that everyone I’ve had and will have will have to live up to. I remember all the moments of triumph, all the moments of failure, but I definitely remember all the moments I spent with you that I will cherish for a lifetime. Life is never easy, life is never perfect, but with you I believed that it could be. What a horse you were and over those 10 years that we were together you shattered every single dream we had.”
“You are my best friend and got me through everything I could’ve ever went through. There aren’t enough words to encompass what you mean to me and the amount of gratitude and love I have for you. Today was a day I never wanted nor thought would come so soon. Today I said see you later to my closest friend in the world. Not goodbye because I know I’ll carry you with me for the rest of my life. In a way I feel like I failed because our time was cut short for reasons we don’t yet know. I’m tumbling over my words because I’m a mess of emotions and a replay of memories and hopes of what could be. I had hoped you could teach my kids one day just as I had thought baker would. However you might’ve just saved those kids because boy could you be a firecracker. I will forever love and miss you Queen B. You have eternally earned your title and will be remembered by our entire industry long after I’m gone. It doesn’t seem real and I’m praying I wake up and this nightmare is over. Though I know you want me to move forward and continue through the world with all of the fire and determination that you did. See you later Annie I’ll love you forever.

Rest In Peace
“Zips Bossy Chip”
Here is a look back at some of the stories on Ellexxah and Annie we have featured over the years.
Our condolences to all who loved this great mare, especially Ellexxah.
Hoof Print in History – Zips Bossy Chip