Kentucky’s Equine Study Moves into Gear

Lexington, KY, June 19, 2012 – The 2012 Kentucky Equine Survey moves into gear this month, as the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) prepares to send 15,000 surveys to horse owners across the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
The University of Kentucky (UK) and the Kentucky Horse Council (KHC) have partnered on this study, which is partially funded by a grant to KHC from the Kentucky Agriculture Development Fund (KADF). Both UK and KHC are currently soliciting matching funds from the industry, which are required for a portion of the KADF grant funds.
The purpose of the study, the first thorough one in thirty years, is to get an accurate inventory of all horses in the state by breed and use, and their economic impact of both direct farm impact and local community impact from shows, races and trail rides. Information relating to capital investments in the farm and farm equipment are also requested so that the full economic impact of the horse industry can be assessed.
Equine being inventoried include both those on farms owned by the horse owner, as well as those boarded at equine boarding and breeding facilities.
Details are being collected about the breeds of horses owned, their uses, and their estimated value. Other economic questions such as the number and value of horses sold or purchased in 2011 are included. Approximate expenses for caring for the horses are also requested, including feed, bedding, health, supplies, farrier, insurance, boarding and training fees, etc.
All farm names and individual names are confidential to NASS and will not be available to any state or federal agency, nor to UK or KHC.
“We are anxious to see the results of this study,” commented Anna Zinkhon, President of the Kentucky Horse Council. “This will establish our equine population including how and where they are owned and used. The results will allow us to take the next step to identify market opportunities, promote strengths, and address industry needs. These follow-on steps will benefit all counties in Kentucky.”
Results from the inventory survey are expected in December, 2012, and full economic impact results will be available during the first quarter of 2013.
For more information, contact either Ginny Grulke, Executive Director of the Kentucky Horse Council, or Dr. Jill Stowe, University of Kentucky Agricultural Economics.
ABOUT THE KENTUCKY HORSE COUNCIL – The Kentucky Horse Council is a non-profit organization dedicated, through education and leadership, to the protection and development of the Kentucky equine community. The Kentucky Horse Council provides educational programs and information, outreach and communication to Kentucky horse owners and enthusiasts, equine professional networking opportunities through KENA, trail riding advocacy, health and welfare programs, and personal liability insurance and other membership benefits. The specialty Kentucky Horse Council license plate, featuring a foal lying in the grass, provides the primary source of revenue for KHC programs.