Etched In The Stars Now Double Registered AQHA/APHA

Eclipse Quarter Horses is proud to announce that Etched In the Stars is now double registered AQHA & APHA!

Owner Debbie Jowett, of Eclipse Quarter Horses, just got official word from APHA that her stallion would be registered as an overo.

“I am very excited about the news. I have had lots of requests and encouragement to pursue this, and I feel it will open a whole new market for Etched In The Stars,” said Debbie.  “Regis will be happy too!  Hopefully, it will add more mares to the breeding barn, and I must say I am very happy with his foals already. Clients are coming back for another of his babies after owning one. I couldn’t be more pleased. Some are just now hitting the show pen and making Etched in the Stars and me very proud!”

To learn more about Etched In The Stars, visit his website or contact Debbie Jowett at [email protected].