2023 Ford AQHYA World Qualifying Points Announced

Qualifying points have been announced for the 2023 Ford AQHYA World Championship Show.
Following review and approval from the AQHA Executive Committee, the points required to nationally qualify for the 2023 Ford AQHYA World Championship Show have been announced.
View the 2023 Ford AQHYA World qualifying points. The national qualifying period began May 1 and ends April 30, 2023. The 2023 Ford AQHYA World is tentatively scheduled for July 28 – August 6 at the OKC Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City.
AQHYA exhibitors will be required to work through their respective affiliate to enter the 2023 Ford AQHYA World, similar to previous years. View the list of affiliate youth advisers. Contact your youth adviser for details on the Ford AQHYA World requirements and additional methods to qualify via the affiliate.
About the Ford AQHYA World
The Ford AQHYA World Championship Show is the world’s largest, single-breed world championship horse show open exclusively to youth exhibitors age 18 and under. This is the pinnacle event for youth competitors around the world who must qualify for the event by earning a predetermined number of points to secure a spot in each of the classes, representing English, western and halter disciplines, or earn an invitation through their state or provincial affiliate. The show includes Level 3, Adequan® Level 2 and Nutrena Level 1 Champion of Champions classes.
To learn more about the Ford AQHYA World, visit www.aqha.com/youthworld.
Ford Motor Co. is the title sponsor of the Ford AQHYA World. Ford has been a partner of AQHA since 2002.
Adequan®, the official equine joint therapy of AQHA, is the proud title sponsor of the Adequan® Level 2 youth classes. When you choose a joint therapy for your horses, choose Adequan®.
Read more about Nutrena, the official feed of AQHA and title sponsor of the Nutrena Level 1 Champion of Champions classes.
AQHA news and information is a service of the American Quarter Horse Association. For more news and information, follow @AQHA on Twitter and visit www.aqha.com/news.