Invested Dimension Passes at 28
We are heartbroken to share that Dana Hokana and her family lost the great stallion, Invested Dimension on Easter Sunday which was also his 28th birthday.
Dimensions looked and acted like a ten year old, and the Hokana’s had plans to continue breeding him this spring.
Sadly, A week prior to his death Dimensions had had a very rare injury occur. His small intestine was trapped in the epiploic foramen and displaced.
“It is very rare and there isn’t any particular cause for it” shared Dana. “They said he needed surgery and had a 50/50 chance. I chose to give him that chance. He was doing great after surgery and they felt he had turned the corner. Saturday night he was eating again. Sunday morning at 3:50 AM we got a call that something had gone wrong or something acute had happened and he was in bad shape and he needed to be put down, we couldn’t let him suffer so we put him to sleep.”

Invested Dimension was one of the last sons of The Investor to stand and his influence was substantial across many show, breeding and beloved family horses. Dimensions sired such incredible horses as APHA World and Reserve World Champion Pick Your Pleasure, PHBA and NSBA World Champion Ima Blond Investment, AQHA Youth Supreme Champion and multiple AQHA World and Congress Top 5 earner A New Dimension and the great Congress Top 5 and World Top 10 Pleasure mare Dimensionally Rosita. He has sired many APHA, PtHA and PHBA World Champions is addition to the incredibly successful AQHA show horses.
Invested Dimension was purchased by the Hokana’s as a late weanling from the great McWhirter Ranch. “There were about a dozen or more to choose from. When the colts trotted into the arena, there was one that floated when he moved. You couldn’t even hear him hit the ground. His look was so striking! He was a dark, cherry red, with a big white face, huge intelligent eyes, two white socks and charisma like I’d never seen before. When he loped, I couldn’t look at any one else… he was breathtaking. My husband, who isn’t really a horse person, said “Wow, that one is the one”. I tingled all over as I knew I had found my horse.”
Dana’s inclination was correct. Invested Dimension was the one. Together they broke glass ceilings winning the Reserve World Championship in the Senior Western Pleasure in 2000 in a time where few women showed the pleasure and even fewer showed a stallion.

“He was super good minded and easy to train. For a stallion, he was amazing!!! Many people think I must have been really tough on him to get him so solid, but I never even bitted him up.” Shared Dana. “I showed him his job and he did it. He was so smart. When he struck off into the lope, it was amazing. I had never felt a lope that great. Powerful, yet soft, smooth as glass and rhythmic. His babies share those traits.”
Dana will openly tell you that Dimensions built her beautiful Temecula ranch. It was the sale of his babies over the years that paid for that piece of paradise, and it was upon his great offspring that the Hokana girls Bree and Brook got to taste the sweetest of successes on the World stage.
Driving up the road to the Hokana Ranch, Dimensions influence is seen everywhere. He stamped his foals with his beautiful head, sweet demeanor and balanced conformation.
While 28 years is a great life for any horse, it brings with it a huge hole for the Hokana’s. Dimensions was a part of their lives longer than many marriages. He was with Dana through good times, and tough ones and he was there watching Abby her granddaughter grow up. Abby would visit him in his stall every single night to hug on him, this stallion was truly part of the family.

Dana is fortunate to have some frozen semen that will be used judiciously with outstanding mares. “I have saved his best young offspring and a couple of stud colts. We will see what the future has to bring. I’m currently securing some incredible embryos out of proven show mares to cross Invested Dimensions frozen semen with.”
Dimensions stall sat empty for a week, but after some contemplation, Dana made the decision to allow her stunning palomino son of Invested Dimensions, Legend (Dimensions Got Style) to step into that special place.

“Legend has always been the great young son of Dimensions I wanted to have as breeding horse. But with his sire still so healthy and virile, we kept pushing Legend’s breeding career back in spite of so many people asking to breed to him. I have come to realize that bringing Legend to the public and into the show ring is the continuation of Invested Dimension’s story and the next chapter for us as a family. He is a truly great mover, one of the best lopers I have ever ridden. He has flawless conformation, is incredibly pretty and carries the bloodlines of the two most influential horses of my career. His dam, Shes A Golden Zippo was a great producing daughter of my first show horse the great Osa Gold. To top all that off he is the most stunning copper colored palomino.”
Dana has plans to show Legend in the near future, and she bred her outstanding daughter of Zippos Mr Good Bar to him this week.
“I thank God for blessing me with a gift like Invested Dimension and I thank all of you who have supported him and loved him and been part of our team. I have faith in God that another great one and great producer and great sire is just around the corner. We are looking at all our young horses differently and carefully evaluating. That in itself is exciting and yet painful because I am “awed” by how great his babies are. Every time I watch one of them move. “

“I will greatly miss my special boy and seeing his beautiful face out his barn windows watching while I’m in the arena riding his babies.”
We share our condolences with the Hokana family on this great loss. Dimensions lived a very loved life, he was truly blessed the day the Hokana’s chose him as the one, even though Dana will insist it was he who blessed them.
Rest easy Dimensions, thank you for showing us greatness.