NSBA Releases Health Guideline Update for NSBA World Show

All exhibitors must sign a waiver
prior to receiving back numbers
More details below
The National Snaffle Bit Association has implemented guidelines and procedures to protect the health and safety of exhibitors and their equine partners during the 2020 NSBA World Championship Show and Breeders Championship Futurity.
These changes were developed in response to the recent outbreaks of both the coronavirus (COVID-19) and vesicular stomatitis (VSV) in the equine population. The National Snaffle Bit Association is committed to ensuring the safest environment possible for the 2020 NSBA World Championship Show and Breeders Championship Futurity.
Our team has worked closely with the Tulsa
Health Department, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Food and Forestry, and Expo Square facility to develop enhanced health and safety measures for all human and equine competitors showing at the 2020 NSBA World Championship Show. Our goal is to create a safe atmosphere for exhibitors to experience the 2020 NSBA World Championship Show & Breeders Championship Futurity, while minimizing the risk of a new outbreak from this event. Exhibitors should be aware of the inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 that exists in any setting are present, and those bringing horses should be aware of the inherent risk of exposure that exists by
entering a county where VSV has been diagnosed within the last 30 days.
These protocols are fluid, and are subject to change according to the latest local guidelines, CDC recommendations, State of Oklahoma OURS Plan and the City of Tulsa Executive Orders. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to stay informed of changes to NSBA protocol, as well as recommendations made on the local, state, and federal level.
Read below for more information on the enhanced measures being taken at the 2020 NSBA World Championship Show in Tulsa, Oklahoma to protect both exhibitors and horses from the spread of infection.
Coronavirus – COVID-19
NSBA Protocols
The following guidelines have been put in place in accordance with the recommendations from the CDC and the Oklahoma State Department of Health and the Tulsa Health Department regarding social distancing and public health. All attendees are expected to adhere to protocols at all times. All professional service providers (i.e. braiders, banders, farriers, etc.) attending to your horses must adhere to these protocols as well and should sanitize between clients.
All exhibitors must provide a signed waiver in order pick up their back numbers. No back numbers will be released without signed waivers.
Waivers can be emailed to [email protected]. Waivers will not be accepted via fax or postage.
NSBA asks exhibitors to refrain from attending the show if they have been in contact with anyone exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms within the last 14 days, have a fever or other symptoms, or are immune compromised.
Exhibitor Responsibilities
All exhibitors must provide a signed waiver before back numbers will be released. The waiver can be emailed to [email protected]. This form will not be accepted via fax or mail.
- All individuals will be required to follow the Tulsa City Ordinance requiring face coverings to be worn when social distancing is not possible in any public area. This includes barns, arena stands, vendor areas, show office and any enclosed building.
- All individuals should respect all health and safety signage and announcements.
- All individuals should observe social distancing guidelines in all areas of the show grounds, including:
- Exhibitors and attendees should not congregate in groups larger than 10 people and will maintain a six-foot distance at all times.
- Exhibitors and attendees are required to wear face protection per the city of Tulsa mandate.
- Arena seating will be limited to every other row. Spectators should keep two vacant seats between individuals who are not from the same household or traveling together from the same barn.
- Absolutely no outside spectators will not be allowed. Exhibitors are encouraged to limit the number of people in their group (i.e. parents, spouses, family members, coaches).
- Exhibitors and attendees are responsible for providing and utilizing their own personal protection equipment. This includes face coverings, personal hand sanitizer, gloves, soap, etc.
Arena Protocol
- No foot traffic (including trainers, family members, etc.) will be allowed at arena entrance and exit gates. EWD Independent exhibitors may have one person for safety purposes and EWD Supported exhibitors are allowed two side walkers.
- Separate entrance and exit procedures will be utilized where arenas allow. Riders are to follow directions for entering and exiting.
- Only exhibitors and trainers in the class currently working may be in the adjacent warm-up arena (Small Fry parents and EWD handlers are excepted). Further limitations on warm-up arenas may apply.
No-Contact Options
To reduce interactions that could lead to the spread of infection, only show staff and personnel will be allowed inside the show office. After July 15, all exhibitors are required to pre-enter online. Exhibitors will only need to visit the show office to submit an open check or pick up back numbers. Back numbers will not be released without a signed waiver from any and all exhibitors showing under that back number. Pre-enter or email entry forms directly to the show office at [email protected].
- Exhibitors can pick up back numbers at kiosks in front of show office. Capacity will be limited to one person per actively staffed front desk computer, plus one person in line observing social distancing guidelines. Back numbers will not be released without a signed waiver from any and all exhibitors showing under that back number.
- Results and scoresheets will be posted online the evening of the class.
- Draws will be posted online and at other appropriate locations.
- Exhibitors must complete add/scratch forms online.
Staff and Personnel
- Individuals will respect all show personnel’s personal space and maintain proper social distancing when interacting with them.
- Only show staff and personnel will be allowed into announcer stands, awards rooms, judging stands, the show office, and other areas deemed off limits.
- Show staff and personnel are required to adhere to social-distancing protocols, daily temperature screenings and to wear face coverings to safeguard themselves and exhibitors to help mitigate the risk of spreading the virus. Any staff member with a temperature above 99.5 will be sent home.
Facility Protocols
- Hand washing and sanitizing stations across the showgrounds
- Heightened cleaning measures and sanitization of high traffic areas
- Reduced close-contact encounters and use of face masks and other personal protective gear
- Increase social distancing barriers and measures
- Limited contact between staff and with attendees
City of Tulsa Protocols
Tulsa City Councilors voted to approve a citywide mask ordinance with an emergency clause to help combat the spread of COVID-19 in Tulsa. Mayor Bynum signed the ordinance Thursday, July 16. The ordinance requires all individuals 18 years and older to wear a mask in the city limits of Tulsa.
To read the full City of Tulsa article, please click here.
Additional Health Resources
NSBA World Championship Show exhibitors and attendees can access the following resources for more information on local mandates or further recommendations on how to stop the spread of COVID-19.
- For general information and symptoms, visit the CDC Website.
- For recommendations on local testing sites, visit the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
- For information on recent cases and statistics, visit the World Health Organization Website.
NSBA is continuing to monitor the status of COVID-19. Our priority is to protect the health and welfare of our members, staff, and horses and continue to provide events where every activity benefits horses, breeders, owners, and exhibitors alike.
Vesicular Stomatitus (VSV)
State of Oklahoma Protocols
Because of the increase in cases of vesicular stomatitis in the counties of Osage, Washington, Craig, Osage, Ottawa, Tulsa, Nowata, Adair and Rogers additional restrictions have been put in place to protect equines traveling in and out of the state of Oklahoma. Any livestock (cattle, horses, swine, sheep, goats, camelids) coming from an affected county in the state of Oklahoma must have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) written within 5 days with a statement that states, “All animals identified on this certificate of veterinary inspection have been examined and found to be free from signs of vesicular stomatitis and have not originated from a premise which is under quarantine for vesicular stomatitis”. Additionally, any livestock coming from an affected county in another state must have a CVI written within 5 days with a statement that says, “All animals identified on this certificate of veterinary inspection have been examined and found to be free from signs of vesicular stomatitis and have not originated from a premise which is under quarantine for vesicular stomatitis”.
Tulsa county has had at least one confirmed case of vesicular stomatitis, so please be aware of restrictions when traveling across state lines when leaving the show. Most states will require a CVI for livestock traveling from states that have any quarantined facilities. Contact your local veterinarian or governing body for more information on your state’s current protocol .
Please note that guidelines and protocols could be modified pending local, state, and federal mandates. Exhibitors and attendees should check in regularly for updates on the progressing situation.
Facility Protocols
All stalls, barns, and wash bays will be cleaned and sanitized before animal move in. Main aisle ways, wash bays and other frequently touched surfaces within the barns will be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis.
Additional Resources
NSBA World Championship Show exhibitors and attendees can access the following resources for more information on vesicular stomatitis, including current confirmed reports and recommendations on how to protect their equines from the spread of vesicular stomatitis.
- For general information and symptoms, visit the USDA Website.
- For confirmed cases, visit the Equine Disease Communication Center Website.
- For information on the recent outbreak, read the 2020 VSV Situation Report.
NSBA is continuing to monitor the status of vesicular stomatitis. Our priority is to protect the health and welfare of our animals and continue to provide events where every activity benefits horses, breeders, owners, and exhibitors alike.