Benefit Auction for Mac (Superman) Craft Closes Tonight
It take a village for our horse shows to work. Trainers, exhibitors, owners all are a huge part, but so are the people behind the scenes. Show management, vendors, photographers and the people who keep us fed and caffeinated all are a huge part of this family.

Sadly, we lost one of our family. As many of you know, Macrino “Superman” Craft passed away on July 17th. He was diagnosed in March with cancer which was sadly so fast acting it took his life just 4 months later.
Mac worked for The Sweet Shop for 16 years and was certainly a face and smile that made many show mornings so much brighter. Derrick Huggins (Macs best friend) and his fiancé decided to arrange a benefit auction to help raise funds for the family. Mac has four children under the age of 18, a wife who is now a working single mother, and many expenses coming forward.

The auction closes Monday at midnight. In the auction you will find home decor, online riding evaluations, jewelry, advertising, ad design services, tack, veterinary services and so much more.
Show Horse Today has donated an Editorial Spotlight in this auction which includes a professionally written and designed 5-6 page feature article and a premium ad to be used in any issue. Please consider bidding to support this family.
Please consider bidding on one of the amazing items to help Mac’s family, he was a part of our show family for a very long time and his family could use some support.