Arizona Fall AQHA Circuits add Trail and Western Riding Futurities
There are even more incentives to show in Arizona this fall. Not only are they offering 10 judges over the two shows, but now have added Trail and Western Riding futurities as well as some incredible prizes for the shows.

- $3000 added NSBA 3 yr. Old Trail Futurity
- $2000 added NSBA 4 and 5 year Old Trail Futurity
- $500 added 3 and 4 Year Old Non Pro Trail
- $3000 added NSBA Green Junior Western Riding
Hi Point Champions in L3 Select, Amateur
and Youth Horsemanship will receive saddles.
See full awards list and criteria at
High Point Saddles from Superior Saddlery will be awarded in Level 1 Non Pro, Level 2 Non Pro and Level 3 Non Pro. High Points are calculated from all 10 judges over the 2 circuits and include Horsemanship, Showmanship, Western Pleasure and Halter.
The Ranch Horse Challenge Awards are back this year with High Point Champions in L1 Open Ranch, Open Ranch, Amateur Ranch and Select Amateur Ranch all receiving $500 and a buckle. Points will be calculated over all 10 judges.
New For 2020: 3 & 4 Year Old Ranch Horse Futurity will be a simple lead change class. In addition to Futurity Champion awards, the top three 3 Year Olds will receive separate awards.

The AZ Fall Championships will be presenting their classic trophies to Circuit Award winners for the following: Over all Grand Champion Halter Horse, Performance Halter Horses, All Performance classes that show to six judges, including Ranch Rail (Non AQHA), NSBA Futurity classes.
2ND AND 3RD PLACES HIGH POINT COMBINED CIRCUITS AWARD winners will receive Logo’d outer wear.
Best Of Show prizes will also be awarded in the All Around and the Reining and Cattle divisions at all levels. Champions will receive Buckles, Rod Patrick Ostrich Boots and Cinch Jean and Shirt Certificates. High Points are combined points from all 10 judges across both shows.
Level 1 Exhibitors, they have champion awards just for you! There are High Point Best of Show awards for L1 Select, L1 Amateur and L1 Youth in the All Around division. There is also a L1 Amateur award for the Ranch and Cattle division.
HOTELS there is a selection of hotels for every taste and budget. Treat yourself to a luxurious stay in Scottsdale, or benefit from generous rate reductions at the newly renovated Best Western Sure Stay Plus with room rates of $75 plus tax.
View List of Hotels
The expansive facilities at WestWorld ensure plenty of space for social distancing. Additionally, show management will be utilizing the Horse Show Tracker Passport app enabling exhibitors to skip the lines in the show office. All classes will be held in climate controlled arenas for maximum comfort.
STAY INFORMED More details, awards criteria and schedules will be continually updated at

AZ Fall Championship and Pinnacle Circuit are brought to you by Arizona Quarter Horse Association, home of the National Championships in Horsemanship, Showmanship and Equitation.