Carney Performance Horses Benefit Auction set to Raise Funds for Fire Devastated Carney Performance Horses

Last week we brought you the news of the devastating fire that took Carney Performance Horses. Lost in the fire were all 19 of the show horses, the entire facility (including Blake and his partner Kyle`s home) and all of their belongings. In the week since this tragic event, horse people from around the world have stepped up to help Blake get back on his feet. A Go Fund Me page has raised over $50,000 and the Friends of Carney Performance Horses Benefit Auction is being held online November 2-7th.
Items in the Carney Performance Horses Benefit Auction include stallion services to: Make Me Shine, Chocolate Never Lies, YouDontKnowJackZip, IM The Only One, Only The Best WillDo, Awesome Andy, Ultimately Fabulous, VS Total Hearthrob, Kissin The Girls, One And Only Asset, Peace Out Man, Whata Vested Asset, All Up Honor, CBS White Collar Ride, The Grease Monkey, Chippen, The Wow Factor, Kolored By Krymsun, All Time Fancy, All Ways The One, John Simon, Justa Creepin, Love To Hotrod, Indian Artbeat, Lazy Loper, How Bout This Cowboy, Mo Vannie Blues, HBF Catch My Irons, A Stride Above, Ama Good Rad Rodder, Easy On The Eyez, The Sugar Daddy, and Absolutely AGentleman.
Trainers have donated a month of training to the Carney Performance Horses Benefit Auction , including: Tm Show Horses, Teresa Pelton, Scott Thomas, Bear Smith, Lynn Pelton, John Kunckle, Taylor Performance Horses, MGM Performance Horses, Kurt Rampe, Kate Waterford, Vesper Show Horses, MVP Performance Horses and Jeremy Price and Ceralena Gray.
Additional items include photography sessions, ad designs, ad credits (Including a premium spread in Show Horse Today), tack, show credits, show clothing, gift certificates, a signed and personalized football from Jay Novacek and even a one week stay in St. Thomas and a Corgi puppy.
There is truly something for everyone to bid on in the Carney Performance Horses Benefit Auction to help benefit Blake as he attempts to rebuild his life from the ruins of this fire.
Bidding opens November 2nd and runs through the 7th. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE AUCTION.
One of the most beautiful things in this industry, beyond the horses, is how the people pull together in times of need. We hope this auction and the funds raised show Carney Performance Horses how much we all care, and that in this sad time, we have their back!