June 2019

Featuring the ARHA World Championship Show on the cover, this issue is filled to the brim with articles to help you win at the largest futurities and summer shows. Part two of our new popular series on trail features tips from Deanna Searles to develop feel over the poles, Steve Heckaman shares some great insights on when and how to school in the show pen and experts such as Jay and Kristy Starnes, Tom Robertson, Kelly McDowall, Farley McLendon, Pasley Putoff and Adam Mathis share their methods to build a solid foundation on their futurity horses.
We feature the late, exceptional stallion Blazing Hot in our Hoof Print in History and showcase a new monthly feature called What’s in My Tackroom. Dana Hokana has the fantastic part four of her series on balanced horsemanship -putting it all together in a pattern and Lynn Palm helps you with your showmanship set up.
All this and so much more!!!
Imagine a World in Roan – ARHA to Host Inaugural World Championship Show
From the Back of My Horse – The Great Futurity Debate
Trail Masters’ Class – Part Two with Deanna Searles
Building Blocks – Futurity Foundations Win or Lose or Both? Schooling in the Show Ring with Steve Heckaman
What’s in My Tack Room – Taft and Adrienne Dickerson
Beyond Basics – Balanced Horsemanship with Dana Hokana –Part Four – Putting it all Together in the Pattern
Working in Hand – Setting Up with Lynn Palm