Item: Moodstruck Ultimate Lash Trio

Item: Moodstruck Ultimate Lash Trio

Donor: Meredith Biasca Younique Presenter

Value: $85.00

MoodstruckUltimateLashTrio1_1Minimum Bid: $30.00

Increments: $5.00

Description: You’ve never seen lashes this intense before. Start strong with our 
Moodstruck Esteem Lash Serum to unleash your natural lashes’ inner 
power. Then turn up the volume even louder with MOODSTRUCK EPIC™ 
Mascara, the perfect base for our iconic MOODSTRUCK 3D FIBER LASHES+™ 
Lash Enhancer. This trio is a true triple threat that’ll knock ‘em dead.


Contact: 707-498-2671
