My Experience with Equine Omega Complete: Taylor Day – Horse: Chase

July 19: before starting program.
July 19: before starting program.

Before feeding regimen: 14 lbs. of orchard grass per day with 2lbs of rice bran

Supplements: 2oz of cherry electrolytes, 1 oz. of MSM, 2oz of smart hoof by smartpak

Starting weight: approximately 1200lbs

Target of experiment: Gain weight through haunches and slightly throughout the body as well as Chase has a slight respiratory issue as well as hoof chipping and weak feet that get tender thus the reason for the MSM and the smart hoof both of which were working well.

Work Regimen: 1-2hrs everyday if not riding then lunging.  Due to a shoeing issue last time work load was down but resumed to normal before starting Omega Complete.  Does jump once or twice per week.


Started first feeding on July 22nd and he seemed to enjoy eating the Equine Omega Complete with his rice bran. I left additional grain for the rest of the week in my grain bin which then had red ants in it the next day that seemed attracted to the supplement.  I sprayed ant killer in bin which seemed to deal with the problem.

Week 1 (July 22- July 26): 2 oz. of Equine Omega Complete into 2lbs of rice bran continuing with 2 oz. of electrolytes due to anemia which at times makes him weak and he dehydrates.  All other supplements were stopped to properly ensure experiment results.

Week 1 (July 22- July 26):
Week 1 (July 22- July 26):


Week 2 (July 27- Aug 2): 3 oz. of Equine Omega Complete with 2lbs of rice bran and 2 oz. of electrolytes.  July 29th Chase seems to have more energy than normal don’t know whether it is an addition of the supplement or if it is due to the changes in weather being so humid the last several days.  Unusual behavior for him but will continue monitoring.






At the end of Week 3 (Aug3- Aug 9)
At the end of Week 3 (Aug3- Aug 9)


August 3rd: Farrier did Chase’s feet and usually Chase is about 3 ½” but Tyler said he was 4 3/16” today.

Week 4: (Aug3- Aug 9): 4 oz. of Equine Omega Complete with 2lbs of rice bran and 2 oz. of cherry electrolytes.  Weight is approximately at 1275lbs now and he seems to be filling out in belly but hoping for more in the haunches but that might be because of light work over fences. 





Week 4 photo
Week 4 photo

“In summary this product the Equine Mega Omega Supplement works wonders.

Chase is able to be on one supplement that works to not only take care of his brittle feet but also help with his respiratory issues and guard his joints as he works harder and gets older.  I would recommend this product to everyone it is a phenomenal product that produces results and is a “one stop shop” for many different problems that horses today face.  Chase gained almost 100 pounds while on this and made his coat even shiner as well as fixing his slight issues physically.  This product truly does work.”

Taylor Day


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