ApHC Annual Stallion Service Auction Hosted by PleasureHorse.com Ends Tomorrow!

Coolest Te Coolest
Coolest Te Coolest

The Appaloosa Horse Club’s (ApHC) annual Stallion Service Auction runs through tomorrow, December 30, 2014 at 12:00pm PDT, so you still have time to get your bid in!  This year’s lineup boasts multiple world-class stallions and is hosted by PleasureHorse.com in partnership with Equine Auction Exchange. 

Special Note:  If a breeding service is purchased, that foal has to be eligible for ApHC Registration.

The ApHC Stallion Service Auction allows breeders to select a high quality stallion and bid for their chance to win a breeding to their chosen stallion.  Stallions eligible for the Service Auction include ApHC registered horses and ApHC approved outcross stallions such as Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred and Arabian registered horses.  The resulting ApHC registered foal, and one foal nominated by each stallion owner whose stallions’ service was purchased through the auction will be eligible for the Appaloosa World Show 2-Year-Old Incentive Classes.

In addition, any other offspring foaled in the same year as the resulting foal from a donated and sold service may be nominated for the World Show 2-Year-Old Incentive Classes by paying the $750 nomination fee.


For  more information regarding the Stallion Service Auction, and foal incentive nominations, please visit:  http://appaloosa.com/worlds-show/world-show-stallion-auction.htm

To see the auction details and bid on stallions, simply click on “ApHC Auction” in the menu at the top of PleasureHorse.com or CLICK HERE



2 thoughts on “ApHC Annual Stallion Service Auction Hosted by PleasureHorse.com Ends Tomorrow!

  • 26 December 2014 at 9:42 am

    I’m new to this type of finding a stallion for my filly. I have own Appaloosas for most of my 61 years but due to accident have only been riding my Appaloosa and not showing. My Registered Appaloosa passed away last fall so I have purchased a new filly. She will be two this spring and I want to bred her probably next year so I’m starting the process of looking for a stallion now. She’s a Registered Appaloosa, dark brown with big spotted blanket with long black mane and tail, she’ll probably be about 16 hands. How can I find a black/ with blanket Registered Appaloosa stallion? Any ideas would be helpful. Also do I need to report that my other Registered Appaloosa died?
    Sonny Swift

  • 30 December 2014 at 12:45 pm

    I have a black, few spot, homozygous ApHC stallion I offer for breeding. His name is Silverado Rein. You can see him at my website, http://www.bedonna.com or call 580-471-4040 Guaranteed color! $750 stud fee, and it included the first semen shipment, or I can offer on-farm breeding.

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