Zone 1 Region 3 English Equestrian Win Captured by Mount Holyoke
By Hannah Thorton, IHSA media intern

March 9– Zone 1, Region 3 finished out the regular season yesterday with competition at The University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Riders faced off as they vied for the final points to send them to Regionals. As the last class ended and the points were tallied, Mount Holyoke College came out on top with 37 points. Smith College took home Reserve High Point College honors with 29 points, followed by The University of Massachusetts, Amherst, with 28 points. Fourth place in the standings went to Westfield State University with 24 points, followed closely by Springfield College with 22, Amherst College with 19, and Williams College with 17 points.
The Mount Holyoke College team earned a place at Zones by taking home Regional High Point College honors with 343 total points in the regular season. The University of Massachusetts, Amherst took home Reserve High Point College with 247 total points, followed by Smith College with 210. Westfield State University on the board with 164 points, and Springfield College with 161. Sixth place in the region went to Amherst College with 158 total points, and rounding out the top 8 was Williams College with 116 and the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts with 26 points.
Zone 1, Region 3 looks forward to Regional competition at Biscuit Hill Farm in Shelburne, MA on Saturday, March 29th. Zones will be held in South Hadley, MA at Mount Holyoke College on Saturday, April 5th. Congratulations to all riders for a wonderful season, and good luck at Regionals and Zones!